A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

February 20, 2010

Life Just Keeps on Moving....

Today marked the eighth anniversary of my brother Daniel's death.  It sure doesnt feel like eight years have passed, but so much has changed.  Its hard to believe that he was only given such a short time here, 24 years is certainly not enough time. Never got to know him as the role of husband and father. I always thought we would be there for each other, but God had other plans. Its amazing how in his plans, life just moves on. A friend of mine today had a little baby boy, people are born and people die. All in a split second of life.
Wow, just have to wonder what life will bring us all next, I am ready, Are you ready?

February 8, 2010

Snow is almost Gone!

Well it has been a crazy week: snow, kids out of school, taxes, soccer sign ups.... whew.... I am tired. I don't know if it has been the weather lately, but I have noticed I really have to try to stay focused and organized! A day in the jammies, kids running around all crazy, to me has had its passing thoughts. I am determined to get past this, and am using my to do book like crazy.

Kate is back at college, settled in for the new semester. She called me today and said she had a sore thoat and wasn't feeling good. She went to the school nurse there, and like the old elementary school nurses, given a few cough drops and sent of her way. LOL

Well I guess that is it for now.

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