A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

February 14, 2011

Blessings of Life

Today is a very special day for my family, not only is it Valentines Day, but it is also my husband's and I anniversary. Another year for us growing as a family, this holds very special to me, as we live in a world where family is devalued, and dysfunction is of the norm! It seems with each passing generation, the existence of a two family home is a term not understood by most. While we are in no way a perfect family, we work very hard to show each other love, devotion, and appreciation.

I believe that our marriage is even more glorified, when we have God's blessing! He is still our biggest encourager when thinks sometimes "feel"easier, to go apart, than to stand up and fight for the family.I can't say that building a life and family foundation with someone is easy, but I do know that with God first, and two parties willing to put the investment and work in, its an absolutely amazing journey!

Take today to tell you loved one, how special they are, and how much you love them, not just today because its Valentine's Day, but because you have been given the greatest gift of all from God above, the gift of time, another day!

Peace and Blessings!

February 7, 2011

Alexis Suffered Her First Dog Bite!

I don't think that childhood would be the same if you hadn't suffered some sort of animal bite. Cat, Dog, bird something. Yesterday Alexis suffered hers! She and her Best Friend were outside playing when the dog approached growling, so the girls took off running! Needless to say, that probably made the dog more excited and he jumped on her, knocked her down, and bit her is three different places!

I really don't know which is worse, looking at Alexis all banged up, or telling her Daddy what had happened. I think the Daddy part was the worse! I am so thankful that the dog did not attack her face, for I would have been bailing him out of Jail! Happy to report that the owner, and the dog are still among the living!

Surprisingly, the dog was a Collie and some other mix. It must have been the other mix that engaged the dogs, for I know Collie's are one of the most docile, sweet dogs on the planet!

Thank Goodness that she has the love for little dogs, especially now, so that she will not be warped about the nature of dogs. I explained to her that animals have their own personalities, and likes and dislikes, so for what ever reason, this dog did not like Alexis.

I remember when Katelyn was a baby, my mother's Rottweiler hated Katelyn! We never let that dog anywhere near her, for the time he jumped at her through the glass of the sliding glass door, was enough for me!

Happy to report, no stitches, and the dog had all his shots including rabies, so no needles for Ali.

February 3, 2011

Did You Know You Can Download a Kindle Reader and Read the Books for Free?

I have a Kindle and absolutely LOVE it! I download books to it on a daily basis by going to Amazon. com and then search for the free Kindle Books. After I bought my kindle, I learned that you could download the reader on to your PC, Phone, IPAD all for nothing, So really I didn't have to buy a Kindle, even though I love the ability to take my Kindle with me.
My husband recently bought me an IPAD, which I love as well. I am able to access all my books on there too! To be honest, the normal paid price for a book on Kindle is around $9.99, but I have bought very little and have not spent much on books!

You can also access Google Books, as well for free. Google has a large selection of great books. If you go to search on your Kindle, you are able to access the Internet, and Kindle gives you your own email account with Kindle.

Just thought I would share.

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