A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

July 21, 2012

Pollard News!

Busy, busy, busy, what can I say? Ali has gymnastics camp, two back to back and Elijah has swimming lessons, his final one, and baseball camp coming up. We have been to two Vacation Bible Schools as well. The family went to Myrtle Beach for a week the first week of July! Myrtle Beach was so much fun, one hundred yards from the beach, it was nice to get up every morning and take the Ipad down there and veg out!

Anthony is working hard of course, to pay for all these activities! We are all doing well.

Talk soon.

February 13, 2012

Sometimes You Just Wonder....

With the swirl in the news surrounding Whitney Houston's death, you can't help think I wonder if all the people that are coming out of the wood works now after she is gone, were there to support her when she was at the height of her addiction. I know first hand that addiction is a dangerous, isolating, lonely place to be in. It is past the "social" status of when you used to get high with your friends, as a "social" event if I may. No, when your addicted to something, it is hardly a time to be social, your supply is limited enough for you, much less sharing with someone else. The old saying, "One pill is too many, but a thousand is never enough." Your at peace now, Whitney, see you on the other side.

February 12, 2012

Such a Peaceful Place!

I am in such a good place right now, and I know it is because of my walk with Jesus! Before, I was always frustrated, sad for no apparent reason, and since I have committed my life to the Lord, it is amazing! I am happy, and with so much peace in my soul! The fears that I have, are being dealt with and eliminated one by one! It was so easy to obtain this lifestyle. God loves us so much, and with repentance it is available to anyone who believe that He is, who He says He is! If you don't know Jesus, I would love to pray with you, introduce Him to you! You can email me privately, pollardtl@cox.net.

I have so much to share about Him.

In His Love,

January 28, 2012

This is Ridiculous....

You know this is absolutely crazy, it has been ten years since Daniel passed away. I have learned to accept and deal with that. He is gone, and I must move on for that's what he would have wanted anyway. The ridiculous part is every time Elijah leaves the house, I almost fall apart, sometimes I do. I know that I have said I give it all to God, and that if it is his time, its his time. I don't know why I have such a fear about him leaving me. I probably need counseling or a  big kick in the butt. Either way I have to get over this fear! The craziest part is if something, God forbid did happen, and I was with him I could handle that better. I guess I just watched my mom go through such torment, even to this day, she has and never will be the same! Daniel was only 25, he had so much to live for! But that's another story....

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