A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

March 4, 2010

Today has to be a better day than yesterday, Lets be real, What was going on?

I can honestly say so far 50 minutes into my new day was ALOT better than my whole day yesterday!~

Woke up yesterday am, with my husband and I not speaking, because of an argument the night before, something stupid I am sure, but once my mouth started running, not much was left after that. It is like an earthquake 8.0 magnitude on the scale, I guess that says enough. So put on the Black Eye Peas to start my day out..... Loudly....

Elijah and I went to the Law Library and had to copy at least 25 pages for this stupid Supreme Court Appeal! Can you say over it???????????????????????

One very exciting piece of news, I got my Kindle in the mail! Oh I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will even read to you out loud, so very cool. Well it snowed so the kids were out of school due to snow yesterday. Casual day for them I guess.

well I have alot to do today, will write more later.

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