A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

August 6, 2009

Another Busy Day...

The kids went to the last day of Vacation Bible School, and they had a blast! They have learned so much this summer. Tomorrow we will probably hit the local Chuck E Cheese, I have a box full of coins from last time. Its not easy keeping four kids occupied, lol.
It rained today, Thank God, so we didn't have to go outside to "play". Its been well over the Ninety degree mark for the last few days.

Kate is getting packed up for college, she has boxes everywhere! I think she is excited, and I haven't been upstairs to see her room, it will be sad enough when she leaves. I will also lose my back up babysitter, so I can go to the doctor's appointment alone, or just need to run out errands without a car full of screaming kids!

Took Elijah today to the doctor for his school physical, he was really good even though it took them two hours almost to get out of there! I was worried about him possibly being anemic, due to the fact that he is always cold, and is a poor eater. They are doing a complete blood culture, oh he will be thrilled... and a Thyroid screening. Wow... I can hardly wait to get it done.

Getting Shay signed up for school, since she is going to start school with us. Soccer sign ups are this week, but all three will be playing in only two different leagues, so that generally means only four days on the soccer field. Whew... I thought it was going to be at least five.

Anthony is coaching high school football. That really keeps him busy, four hour practices five days a week, games on Wednesday and Varsity on Friday... On top of all that, they review the tapes on Sunday.... so I think our life will be extremely hectic....
But I love it all and wouldn't trade it for anything.......

1 comment:

  1. Traci it's so nice to meet you! Your blog is wonderful and I will be back to visit again soon.

    Have a blessed evening.
    ~Warmly, Melissa :)


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