A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

August 19, 2009

Book Review- Letting Go by Sheila Walsh

In this book "Letting Go," the author's first comments were about receiving grace from God. Not just grace to get by a situation, but the grace needed to change your lifestyle. The common mistakes or traps that woman get caught up in, (self-doubt, unforgiveness, self loathing, fear, loneliness) are talked about in a way that you will be able to apply them to your life and be set free. God wants us to be free and full of his grace, and not lead a life that society often portays and expects us to have. All this unhappiness and misery, was redeemed by him on the cross, its up to us to accept it.

Sheila Walsh talked further about how to see God in everything that we do, and finding grace in all things.
To me this book showed a "how to approach" to finding the love and peace that we so desperately yearn for.

1 comment:

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