A time set aside just for me to gather my thoughts, share my ideas, and to communicate with the world.

March 31, 2010

I worry about my son.....

My seventeen year old son has made some very poor choices in regards to staying out of trouble. First it was something minor, then it easily escalated to Felonies! Not just one, but several. Ever since he was little, he would talk about going into the military when he grew up, I don't think that will happen now. I will find out on Monday, how much time in the Juvenile Prison system he will get. K is looking at 12 to 24 months! The blessing in all this, is that K will get his GED and because he still is a Juvenile, he will be offered rehabilitation programs including vocational training. K is really good with his hands, and loves to fix stuff.

K lived with us until he was ten, and begged me to let him live with his dad! A very heartbreaking decision to be made, now it feels like that same decision being repeated over and over.... It is hard to explain, you want SO much for your child, and when they fall short its disheartening.

I am still blessed, I unlike so many others, still have my child here! I thank God every day for his Mercy and his Grace, in protecting my son,,,, K put himself in some really dangerous situations, only God..... only God...

Well I guess I have rambled, please pray that he walks with Jesus, the way he did when he was younger.......

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